11 May, 2007

Pleasantly warm

I recently had my home Linux machine in pieces -- updating some hardware and adding a mirrored pair of SATA drives for extra storage. After doing all that I left it running in my main computer room for a while just to check it was all OK, then once I was satisfied nothing was going to go horribly wrong I put the sides back on the case and stuffed it back in the cupboard under the stairs where it normally lives.

It's rather interesting to look at the
temperature differences noted by RRD monitoring while that was going on: once it was all cased up and back in the cupboard the CPU temperature jumped by 8-9°C and the motherboard temperature by about 4°C. Not that it's running at all hot, and the cooling is fairly basic as it's predominately a file server rather than an application server, but it's still a noticeable difference:


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